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Friday, January 18, 2019

My Comments on the Growth Mindset

I had not heard of the Growth Mindset before today. Carol Dweck has created this philosophy, and I had applied it in my own life at points, but never under the term "Growth Mindset". I love the thinking behind it. In the first video she told a story about high schools giving students the grade of "Not yet". It is really a positive way of thinking. In general, they promoted a mindset of positive thinking. They encourage embracing challenges, and viewing it as an opportunity to make themselves better. I truly admire this line of thinking because beyond the education, there are a number of places in life that it can be applied to. Carol Dweck mentioned the same sentiment during her first video.
I think we should apply this to our lives. Obviously there is a time for brutal honesty and facing the facts, but in general I think it applies.

The video inspired me to take on the growth mindset again. I feel like I used to have it, but it has faded over time.

The graphic above outlines the differences between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset - Growth Mindset Launch

1 comment:

  1. Brady,

    It's so cool that one video can help change a mindset that can be applied for the rest of life. I hadn't heard of a high school giving out that type of grade before and find it very interesting. I agree with you on how important positive thinking is. Instead of telling the kids this was their final grade and that is that, it helps them see that you can keep learning to improve.
